Body composition

Assessing body composition is an important part of our research project, as it provides key information on health and risk of various diseases.

Electrical bioimpedance (BIA)

Electrical bioimpedance (BIA) is the primary method we use to assess body composition. It is a quick, easy and non-invasive measurement technique that uses a small electric current flowing through the body. The electrical resistance (impedance) measured during this test varies depending on the type of tissue (muscle, fat, bone), which makes it possible to estimate their proportions. BIA makes it possible to determine body fat percentage, lean body mass, and hydration levels.

Densitometry (DXA)

Densitometry (DXA) is another method that allows a more detailed analysis of body composition, including separate assessment of bone mass, body fat and lean body mass. This examination, which uses very low, non-hazardous doses of X-rays, offers precise measurement and is particularly useful in assessing osteoporosis risk and monitoring changes in body composition in response to various interventions, such as diet and exercise.

Measurement of body circumferences

Measuring body circumference is a simple but valuable method of assessing body fat distribution. Waist circumference measurement and waist-to-hip ratio are indicators for assessing the risk of metabolic diseases, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Muscle strength and physical activity analysis

Handshake, gait and fitness analysis


Comprehensive information on risk factors for the development of diseases

Body composition

DXA and bioimpedance


Ocular fundus, autorefractometry, tonometry, OCT


Advanced analysis of biological material

Imaging studies

Ultrasonography (ultrasound) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Respiratory system

Bodypletyzomgraphy and carbon monoxide in exhaled air

Circulatory system

Cardiac echo, ECG, ABI, PWV, Ergospirometry

Dental examinations

Full assessment of the condition of the teeth and oral hygiene